I was up before the sun, wish it was a little earlier but it wasn't too bad.
If you still eat dairy (which I do in winter) wake up extra early so your milk or yogurt has time to digest. Otherwise you'll have to take a 5 minute poo break during your warm up (or at least I did this morning)! Other notes.... pre-pack EVERYTHING the night before if you're planning a 6am start. My body works a little slow in the morning so my last 5 minutes of packing / prep took 15.
On to the work out:
15 min zone 1
05 min zone 3 + 05 min recovery x 5
10 min warm-down
With help of the Keiser M3 I was able to do every other Zone 3 at 70ish rpms to get a real cranker in (and tried to keep everything else at 105 rpm avg). I found however after the masher interval, I'd have to spin at like 115rpm to get my legs back. Which in turn meant my watts dropped (even as low as 100 some times) but hey, I was recovering ;)
Unfortunately with working on a spin bike it doesn't 'save' my data so I record it as best as I can, and have to judge by heart rate and perceived value for record keeping... but it's in the moment I know I hurt.

Keiser Averages:
RPM: 87
Watts: 178
Dist: 33.7km
Time: 70:05
(total work out was longer, but I lost a few sets of data along the way *bathroom*, however, this was the bulk of the work out.
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